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Frugal Novice Button

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lozer Cats

Okay, new section on blog: LOZER CATS!!! (Kudos to
LOZER! Cats 1:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Losers of Real Life

A new/old segment of this blog will feature a real loser. Like we interviewed Jinx, now we are going to interview somebody that I know as Natalie Portman, one wild chick.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fugly Betsy Explained...

Spread the word for Loser!!! Thanks for reading, and please, I love to read your e-mails!!!

Laura Nexium
Editor of Loser!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How To Be A Loser, Part 6

Woah... we're at Part 6 already?
1. Look at everyone as if they were your frenemies. You don't even need to know what that means. Be creative and interpret the meaning.
2. Call your kitty your "BFF."
3. Call your doggy your "frenemy."
4. Audition for the lead in the new comedy Fugly Betsy (explained later.)
5. Go shopping a lot. Say its to save the economy.
6. Watch an Indiana Jones movie and say there is treasure under the floorboards of your house.
7. Love yourself.
8. Don't love yourself.
9. Say that the aliens are coming.
10. Yell at someone random on the street.
If you have a comment, post it.

Yet Another Loser Vid...

Hey! Cannot believe it is JULY already. Will update more since I have more time at my hands (even though I have a novel just waiting to be written... well, it can wait some more:)

Yes... it's Laser Catz... LOLz. Thanks to all the fans for commenting and posting tho!!! :) I did check ur blogs out.
Yours loserly,
Laura Nexium
Editor of Loser!